Eco Tours
Tour to Hirkan National Park Talysh Mountains
Duration of the tour: 2 days
Distance from Baku: 283 km
Minimum number of people: from 1 person
Period: all year
Hirkan National Park - was created in 2004 on the territory of Lankaran and Astara region. The area of 42.797 hectares (427.97 km²). The main purpose of the park - the protection of humid subtropical landscapes, as well as protection of relic and endemic plant species.
The park's flora includes 1,900 species, including 162 endemic, 95 rare, 38 endangered species. Among the rare animals live here panther spotted Talysh pheasant, Hirkan chickadee, black stork, golden eagle, pelican curly, Marbled Teal and many others
Tour to Shahdagh National Park
Duration of the tour: 3 days
Distance from Baku: 250 km
Minimum number of people: from 3 people
Period: From May to September
Description: Shahdagh National Park is one of the youngest of environmental education in Azerbaijan. It was organized in the vast mountain ranges of the Great Caucasus in 2008. Quite remarkable location of the park, because it is in the border zone of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia.
Among the most unique of all arrays Shahdagh mountain range (4243 m above sea level). This mountain has at least several "floors", the latter represented by sloping terraces with rocky outcrops or just with ridges
Observation of rare animals and migratory birds in the Shirvan National Park
Duration of the tour: 1 day
Distance from Baku: 102 km
Minimum number of people: from 1 person
Period: From October to May
Description: Shirvan National Park was initially created with the aim to protect on the brink of extinction gazelles, which were carried out on the territory of Azerbaijan. But because of human brutality, or just carelessness population of this species is very sharply reduced, they can be seen throughout the country, and by the 60th they could expect to find only in Shirvan
Tour to Samur - Yalama National Park
Duration of the tour: 2 days
Distance from Baku: 220 km
Minimum number of people: from 1 person
Period: all year
Description: Located on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Khachmaz region. Flora of the National Park is - rose, various valuable medicinal herbs, honey mint and others. The soils here - meadow-forest, chestnut and light brown. Grass and shrubs are common. The territory has a flat timber. Representatives Xachmazskoy fauna - wild boar, raccoon, pheasants, partridges, etc. Rich in fish in coastal waters. There are thermal and mineral water springs.
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